Food For Love.Food For Life.

Food For Love.Food For Life.

Thursday 8 January 2015

Breakfast Casserole - recipe by Saaleha, picture by Me


5 slices bread 
2 cups cheese 
3 sausages,precooked and sliced 
1 cup polony- chopped. 
1 cup mushrooms fried. 
Optional -jalapenos,peppers,onions,chillies. 
1 1/2cups milk. 
1/2 cup cream. 
1 tsp aromat,
1/4 tsp mix herbs. 
Salt and pepper to taste, 
1/4tsp paprika. 

Cut each slice of bread into 4 and layer in a buttered pyrex.over the bread sprinkle 1 cup cheese, sausages,polony,mushroom.add another cup of cheese. Beat milk,eggs,aromat,salt,pepper,paprika- pour over bread and cheese. Sprinkle herbs,allow to stand for 15 mins before baking. Bake for 25 to 30 mins