Food For Love.Food For Life.

Food For Love.Food For Life.

Monday 5 September 2011


This trifle initially was my husbands idea, he gave me the entire recipe.
But as I always say , "the hand that makes it, makes the entire recipe come together"
Well , either way that didn't stop him from spreading the word around , so being the sweet little girl that I am , I am dedicating this recipe in my husbands name. Afterall, he did love it the most!!!

Jelly (already set and preferrably strawberry flavour)
Sponge cake ( already made, in my case - bought!)
Canned Sliced Peaches
Small Tin cream
Chocolate to decorate

I did not mention the quantity because I usually judge by the tray that I am placing the trifle in.

Place sliced sponge cake at base.  Slice banana and to hearts content place above the cake. Then comes the peaches(as much as you like), drizzle the juice over. Sprinkle the set jelly over as another layer, cut into pieces as you wish. Then dollop the custard over ( I have my favourite box custard, but homemade is also great, make sure its quite chilled.) . Carefully layer the whipped cream to cover the custard colour. Then as much as you like grate chocolate.

It is really delicious after a long day at work.

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