Food For Love.Food For Life.

Food For Love.Food For Life.

Tuesday 6 September 2011


Cinnamon is one of the most gorgeous spices. It always reminded me of those fiery fireball candy's we buy. By the time we get to enjoy the heat of the candy, the cinnamon gets dissolved and all thats left is the bubblegum inside.

Whenever there isnt anything chewy in the house, I grab a bark of this hot spice and nibble onto it.
It is devine!!! Hot with lots of flavor at the same time.

There are many indian dishes that could not do without this spice. It brings out the entire dish. Tonight I will be making my famous Chicken Pasta with fresh cream. Its an indian dish before I carry on. I will post the recipe tomorrow, hopefully. One of the ingredients is definately cinnamon, cannot do without it. For now here
is a lovely recipe to try out.


250g butter
8 tblsp sugar
2 eggs
2 tblsp coconut
2.5 cups flour
2 tsp baking powder
Pinch salt
2 tsp cinnamon
2 tsp mixed spice
Mix together butter and sugar. Add eggs and mix well. Add coconut and dry ingredients. Add flour little at a time until you have a soft dough. Makeinto balls and place on baking tray and press down with fork. Bake in 180 degree oven. When cool  sandwich two together with jam and roll in castor sugar.
SORRY, PHOTO NOT AVAILABLE!!! This recipe comes from my sisters long list of goodies. Hope you enjoy as much as we do.

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