Food For Love.Food For Life.

Food For Love.Food For Life.

Friday 17 August 2012

Peppermint Squares

Lovely recipe from my cousin Sajida.

125g Butter
125ml Sugar
250ml Dessicated Coconut
250ml Cake flour (sifted)
15ml Cocoa Powder
2.5ml Peppermint Essence
5ml Baking powder
250ml Cornflakes, lightly crushed.

90g Butter
160ml icing sugar, sifted
1ml Peppermint essence
2 Small bars peppermint Crisp

Preheat oven at 180degrees/c. Cream butter and sugar. Beat in coconut, flour, cocoa, peppermint essence and baking powder, mix to blend well. Stir in cornflakes. Press dough about 1cm thick into a lightly greased 25cm x 30cm swiss roll pan. Bake for +- 15 to 20 minutes.

Cream butter well until light and gradually beat icing sugar. Flavour with peppermint essence.
Decorate with grated peppermint crisp bars.

Sorry no pics.


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