Food For Love.Food For Life.

Food For Love.Food For Life.

Friday 19 July 2013


Sorry forgot who posted this recipe, this is for you.

Chicken Roses

2cups flour
3quarter tspn salt
1nhalf tspn bakin powder
4tblspn ghee
Fridge water to mke dough

500g chicken mince
Half cup mashed potato
Half cup peas(frozen)
Half cup grated cheese
1tspn green chillies
Salt to taste
Garlic to taste
1tsp whole jeeroo
Cubed cheese
Beaten egg
Grated cheese

sift dry ing, add ghee and add water to mke a dough. Roll out into small rotis. Mix all filling ingredients together except cubed cheese. Put a cube in middle of each ball. Cut four slits on corner of each roti and place ball in centre, fold as for roses. Brush with beaten egg and bake alternately can put each ball on roti and roll again into a ball.

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