Food For Love.Food For Life.

Food For Love.Food For Life.

Wednesday 18 January 2012


This recipe is in courtesy of Keshni Odayan of Pinetown, Natal, South Africa.
Thanks Keshni.

1 Packet tennis biscuits
2 Flake chocolates
125g butter
1 egg
5ml vanilla essence
250g plain fresh cream
1/3 cup sugar
Tin Foil

Cream butter and sugar together. Make sure butter is at room temperature. Add the egg, vanilla essence and beat together. Add cream cheese and mix well. Place 3 rows of 4 biscuits next to each other on tin foil (should form a rectangle shape). Spread mixture over the biscuits. Crush one flake chocolate over the centre row of biscuits. Lift the foil gently from both sides of the pyramid, leaving the centre four biscuits to form the base (this should be a long triangle shape). Seal the foil. Refrigerate the cake for a few hours. An hour before serving, carefully remove the foil and place cake on a serving platter, whip the fresh cream and spread lavishly over the cake, covering all visible biscuit. Decorate with one crushed flake chocolate and edible flowers. Place back in fridge until ready to serve.

Really a delicious looking treat.

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