Food For Love.Food For Life.

Food For Love.Food For Life.

Monday 19 December 2011


Since its Christmas time , I decided to bring together some great recipes, not only from close friends but from other fellow South Africans.
This dish is from Nivashnee Naicker, fellow South African, who posted her recipe in one of our famous Newspapers -THE POST.

12 mini drumsticks
Cinnamon sticks - 4to 5 small
10ml dried thyme
15ml chicken spice or BBQ spice
5ml chilli powder
500ml cake flour
2 large eggs
salt to taste

Steam the drumsticks with salt, garlic and cinnamon stick. Allow to cool.Place the chicken in a plastic bag and add all dry ingredients from above. Close the bag and shake to coat the chicken. Beat the eggs in a large bowl. Coat the chicken pieces in beaten egg and then transfer back to plastic bag. Shake bag to coat chicken for second time. Place chicken pieces on a greased baking tray using non stick spray. Refrigerate until use as this will allow the coating to set. Drizzle lightly with oil and bake in a preheated 200degree C oven for 10-20 minutes. 
Turn on all sides to allow coating to brown.
Garnish with sliced boiled egg, parsely and a bowl of chillie sauce as a starter.

Sorry picture not available, Hope you all enjoy this great dish.

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