Food For Love.Food For Life.

Food For Love.Food For Life.

Thursday 8 December 2011

Green Beans and Mutton Curry

The great thing about eating this dish is that its one of the healthy green veggies needed in our basic diet and it tastes great!



Green Beans - amount you prefer and sliced into small pieces

Mutton - can use any pieces you like even chops is fine
Little oil
Onion - 1
Jeera (Cumin) - 1 teaspoon
Mixed (Gharam masala) - 1 tablespoon
Chillie powder - 1/2 tablespoon
Turmeric - 1/4 teaspoon
Ginger / Garlic Mixture - 1/2 tablespoon
Salt to taste
Tomato - 2 or 3 small


Heat some oil in a pot, throw in the jeera and sliced onion. Let it come slightly brown then we can add in our spices. First lower our heat to medium or moderate then throw in the gharam masala, chillie powder and turmeric. Now with this add in the ginger/garlic mixture but be carefull as it is wet, it will spurt. Do not burn the spices but immediately throw in the washed meat, little water and little salt. Let meat cook for about 15min to 20min keeping an eye that it does not burn and there is little water in it so simmer. Throw in the Beans and do not panic that it does not fit the pot as it will come down when cooked. Throw the tomatoes on top with little more salt but not too much. You are allowed to have little salt but too much ruins the dish.
Keep in mind that this is cooked on moderate to semi low heat and not on high. You know its cooked when the beans has well blended in with the gravy and the meat is gone tender and juicy.

Sorry image from internet again, but this is what it looks more or less. It's a great dish especially if you not a green bean fan.

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