Food For Love.Food For Life.

Food For Love.Food For Life.

Friday 23 December 2011


THE POST - Courtesy of Mogi Schlemmer of Utrecht

Lovely recipe and a definate must try. Thanx Mogi
2 litre vanilla ice cream
quarter cup roughly chopped macadamia
or almonds
2 mince pies or 6 shortbread
100g roughly chopped milk chocolate
100g mini marshmallows
50g maraschino or glace cherries

Ensure that ice cream is not too soft or melted. Fold in all ingredients into ice cream and freeze immediately. Mixture should not be put through blender.

image - internet


THE POST - Courtesy of Malani Padayachy of Westville

This is a lovely recipe for all who are celebrating christmas, thanks Malani.

2 cups mixed fruit
1 cup brandy
250g butter
1 cup sugar
4 eggs
1 cup cake flour
2 teaspoon bicarb
3 teaspoon all spice
2 teaspoon ground cinnamon powder
1 cup chopped dates
1 cup fresh bread crumbs
2 cups chopped pecan nuts
1 and half cups finely grated carrots
6 teaspoons finely grated orange rind

Combine mixed fruit and brandy(coffee) and leave to soak overnight. Cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition. Sift all the dry ingredients together and add to the above ingredients. Mix well.
Stir in soaked fruit, nuts, dates, bread crumbs, carrots and rind. Pour mixture into an 8-inch greased pudding bowl (glass or metal) and cover with foil and secure with a string. Place on a wire rack in a large pot, pour boiling water half way up the sides of the pudding bowl.
Steam for 2 to 3 hours until well cooked. Refill water if necessary. Once done, slice and serve with a rich custard.



THE POST - Courtesy of Lorinda Stephan of BLUFF

This recipe really sounds great. Just as the name states, butternut and sweetcorn really makes this dish work beautifully.

1 Butternut
quarter teaspoon salt
250ml fresh cream
1 tin creamed sweetcorn

Peel butternut and cut into squares. Place butternut in a pot with salt and water and steam until cooked. Add water if required. Once cooked, remove, drain and mash the butternut. Place into a casserole dish. In a seperate bowl, add the sweetcorn and fresh cream. Beat together and pour mixture over butternut. Add blobs of butter. Bake at 200degree C for about half an hour or until brown. Then remove and serve.

I give this dish thumbs up!

Thursday 22 December 2011


This lovely drink comes from Avashnee Govender of Umhlanga, this too was posted in the newspaper for sharing with all. Thanks Avashnee.

Half cup chilled ginger ale
1 tablespoon grenadine syrup
Slices of lemon or orange
Maraschino cherries
Ice (preferably crushed)

Stir ginger ale and grenadine syrup together and pour over ice.
Garnish with maraschino cherries and a slice of orange or lemon.


Wednesday 21 December 2011


This post is in courtesy of Vanessa Adams of Newlands, she had posted it in the same newspaper as the other recipe I had posted recently. Thanx Vanessa for this lovely starter.

1 kg spare ribs
2 cups of water
1 teaspoon salt
4 tablespoons vinegar
1 teaspoon garlic paste
1 teaspoon chilli paste

4 tablespoon chilli chutney
4 tablespoon tomato sauce
quarter cup coke
4 tablespoons brown sugar
4 tablespoons lemon juice
4 tablespoons  Worcestershire sauce
2 tablespoons oil
salt to taste

Cut spare ribs into cocktail bitte size and marinate with salt, chilli paste, garlic paste and vinegar.
In a pot, boil the spare ribs in water until cooked.
Mix all the ingredients together for the marinade and gently heat. Coat the spare ribs with the marinade.
Grill in the oven or braai. When riblets are ready, brush the rest of the marinade on both sides and serve.

Monday 19 December 2011


Since its Christmas time , I decided to bring together some great recipes, not only from close friends but from other fellow South Africans.
This dish is from Nivashnee Naicker, fellow South African, who posted her recipe in one of our famous Newspapers -THE POST.

12 mini drumsticks
Cinnamon sticks - 4to 5 small
10ml dried thyme
15ml chicken spice or BBQ spice
5ml chilli powder
500ml cake flour
2 large eggs
salt to taste

Steam the drumsticks with salt, garlic and cinnamon stick. Allow to cool.Place the chicken in a plastic bag and add all dry ingredients from above. Close the bag and shake to coat the chicken. Beat the eggs in a large bowl. Coat the chicken pieces in beaten egg and then transfer back to plastic bag. Shake bag to coat chicken for second time. Place chicken pieces on a greased baking tray using non stick spray. Refrigerate until use as this will allow the coating to set. Drizzle lightly with oil and bake in a preheated 200degree C oven for 10-20 minutes. 
Turn on all sides to allow coating to brown.
Garnish with sliced boiled egg, parsely and a bowl of chillie sauce as a starter.

Sorry picture not available, Hope you all enjoy this great dish.

Tuesday 13 December 2011


This salsa recipe has also been gone from hand to hand and eventually reached my own.
This recipe sounds great and quite easy. Thanks to the maker whever you are.
sorry picture from internet again

A traditional Mexican Salsa that's great with tortilla chips!
1 lb ripe tomatoes, chopped
1/2 onion, finely chopped
2 or 3 serrano chiles, seeded and finely chopped
juice of 1/4 lime
a handful of fresh cilantro, finely chopped
1/2 teaspoon salt
fresh-ground balck pepper, to taste
In a large bowl, mix together tomatoes, onions, chiles and cilantro.
Stir in lime juice, salt and black pepper. Set aside.
Allow flavours to blend for about 15 mins before serving.

Monday 12 December 2011


 This simple salad recipe has been sent to many people and eventually fell in my hands. If the originally maker of this simple dish finds it coming her way, just know this was a delicious dish and thanks for sharing.

BUTTERNUT SALAD.                                              

salt to taste
Black pepper
lemon juice
olive oil
almonds, sesame seeds,

Cube butternut and sprinkle with salt, pepper,lemon juice, olive oil. Cover and bake.
Lay lettuce on bottom of serving tray then layer the sliced avocados , cucumber, and baked butternut. Then braise almonds with sesame seeds, garlic and ghee and black pepper.
Then sprinkle on salad. . 
3/4 cup steers sweet chilli sauce, 1tsp sugar, pinch salt, pinch black pepper, little balsamic vinegar. Mix together

Thursday 8 December 2011

Green Beans and Mutton Curry

The great thing about eating this dish is that its one of the healthy green veggies needed in our basic diet and it tastes great!



Green Beans - amount you prefer and sliced into small pieces

Mutton - can use any pieces you like even chops is fine
Little oil
Onion - 1
Jeera (Cumin) - 1 teaspoon
Mixed (Gharam masala) - 1 tablespoon
Chillie powder - 1/2 tablespoon
Turmeric - 1/4 teaspoon
Ginger / Garlic Mixture - 1/2 tablespoon
Salt to taste
Tomato - 2 or 3 small


Heat some oil in a pot, throw in the jeera and sliced onion. Let it come slightly brown then we can add in our spices. First lower our heat to medium or moderate then throw in the gharam masala, chillie powder and turmeric. Now with this add in the ginger/garlic mixture but be carefull as it is wet, it will spurt. Do not burn the spices but immediately throw in the washed meat, little water and little salt. Let meat cook for about 15min to 20min keeping an eye that it does not burn and there is little water in it so simmer. Throw in the Beans and do not panic that it does not fit the pot as it will come down when cooked. Throw the tomatoes on top with little more salt but not too much. You are allowed to have little salt but too much ruins the dish.
Keep in mind that this is cooked on moderate to semi low heat and not on high. You know its cooked when the beans has well blended in with the gravy and the meat is gone tender and juicy.

Sorry image from internet again, but this is what it looks more or less. It's a great dish especially if you not a green bean fan.

Tuesday 6 December 2011


1kg Chicken
2 tsp ginger/garlic paste
1 tsp thin sliced ginger
add salt to taste
1 tbl red chillie powder
cup ghee(butter) - optional otherwise use oil
1 tsp black pepper
3 green chillies
green corriander for garnishing


The first thing to begin with is to cook the chicken in 1tsp ginger/garlic paste, salt to taste and water. Cook till tender.

Heat the ghee/oil in a pot then add in the 1 tsp left over ginger/garlic paste. Let cook for a minute, carefull as it does spurt and could burn you skin. Then add in the chicken with the thinly sliced ginger, red chillie powder, salt, pepper, green chillies and cook till nice and brown.

Serve hot but not before garnishing with corriander leaves. It gives it a nice colour.

Wednesday 30 November 2011

Roasted Beef Portions

Last night we got to enjoy my grandmothers delicious roasted beef portions. It was devine!!! Portions because she cuts it up in big boney chunks and makes it look like fried meat. She does this because she prefers to have all the meat taste juicy and full of flavour.

Chunky boney beef  pieces keeping bone on
1 to 2 onions - cut in chunky pieces
4 green chillies - sliced in the centre
little oil - do not put alot as the meat is quite fatty itself
salt for seasoning
course pepper
ginger and garlic mixture - around a full tablespoon


Use a nice big pot for this, especially if your meat is nice and big pieces (remember this is a cow and not a lamb, so it has big bones) , dash a little oil in it then the onion, do not braize and all that, you not cooking the ingredients - you are going to boil the meat till tender.
Once the onions are in, throw in the chillies and rest of ingredients except salt. Place in your meat and immediately fill your pot up to 1/2 way or maybe 3/4 way, throw in your salt and leave to boil for 2hrs. Remember to keep checking as water runs out quickly and you need to put little by little to keep the steam up, BUT when it comes close to the 2hrs, there should be no water at all.

Its a perfect dish and remember it has to be slightly salty (Not sea water salty now - you must taste the seasoning) and serve with fried wedges, its divine!!!

Monday 28 November 2011

Cholestrol Remedy - Try it!!!

This recipe of health came from somebody who actually had an experience where he was about to go under the knife for a bypass. Doctors had given him not more than a few months to live if he stayed in his conditions.
He went to another country in prayer when a pious man, who believe in the natural remedy, suggested him to try this simple recipe. The man, not having much more to lose, tried it.
His next check up amazed not only him but his attending doctors.
His heart pumped with ease and his arteries were clear and almost to good health.


3       CUPS HONEY



Tuesday 22 November 2011

Chicken Vindaloo

Ok so this recipe is in dedication to somebody I do not know, but might be a friend of a friend of my sisters.
So if she or he has a peak at this, this is to you. mwah

Sorry , pic from internet again. I have yet to try this yum dish!



1 chicken, cut into pieces, skin removed
125g. ghee (melted butter)
10 chillies, dry, red
10 cloves
10 black pepper corns
ginger to taste
garlic to taste
2tsp cumin
2 pieces of cinnamon
8 cardamons
3/4 cup vinegar

Grind chillies, cloves, peppercorns, ginger, garlic, cumin, cinnamon, and cardamons in a little of the vinegar to make a fine paste.
Apply 2/3 of this masala/ mixture to the chicken peices along with the salt and remaining vinegar; set aside to marinate.
Fry remaining masala in the ghee, add chicken, cover, cook until chicken is tender and vinegar dries.

Wednesday 9 November 2011


Ok, so I am not really into baking cakes but I do know of some of you out there who do enjoy baking them, so here is a recipe that was sent to me and I hope you can enjoy it as well.  
See full size image





Sorry photo from internet again.




·         1 cup white sugar
·         1/2 cup boiling water
·         2 cups sifted all-purpose flour
·         1 1/2 cups white sugar
·         3 teaspoons baking powder
·         1 teaspoon salt
·         1/2 cup vegetable oil
·         7 egg yolks
·         1/4 cup water
·         1 teaspoon vanilla extract
·         1 cup egg whites
·         1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar


1.      To Make Burnt Sugar Mixture: Melt 1 cup white sugar in a pan till medium brown. Slowly stir in 1/2 cup boiling water.
2.      Preheat oven to 325 degrees (165 degrees C).
3.      Sift together into mixing bowl the flour, 1 1/2 cups white sugar, baking powder, and salt. Form a well in the dry ingredients and add the vegetable oil, egg yolks, burnt sugar mixture, cold water and vanilla. Beat with wooden spoon until smooth.
4.      Beat egg whites and cream of tartar in large bowl until they hold very stiff peaks. Pour egg yolk mixture in a thin stream over egg whites. Fold in gently. Pour batter into an ungreased tube pan.
5.      Bake at 325 degrees F (165 degrees C) for 65 to 70 minutes.

Thursday 3 November 2011

Lamb Chops Chutney

Whats more exciting than tasting meat thats made quickly!

Sorry photo from internet, mine couldn't wait for the camera!

1 Punnet chops (seasoned - optional)
1 Onion
1 tsp jeera seeds
2 Green chillies
1 Tblsp ginger garlic mixture
1 Tblsp Mixed Masala (slightly spicy)
1 Tblsp Chillie powder
Salt to taste
4-6 tomatoes (depending on size)
sugar - pinch

Clean out the fat from the chops before washing it (unseasoned chops),marinate the chops with Mixed masala, chillie powder and salt then leave aside. heat oil and throw in onions and jeera seeds till slightly brown.  Throw in the chillies and immediately the marinated chops with ginger garlic mixture. Wait ten minutes for the meat to cook then add in the tomatoes with pinch of sugar.
You will know its done when the tomatoes have heated up with the meat. Enjoy.  

Tuesday 11 October 2011



Marinate your fillet overnight with the following ingredients;

1 tsp ground green chillies
1/2 cup white pepper sauce
2 tblsp pepper spice
1/2 tsp garlic & herb spice
1/2 tsp braai & grill spice
1 tsp ginger garlic
2 tblsp fresh lemon juice
6 tblsp mayonnaise
1/4 cup mustard sauce
1/2 cup fresh cream.

After marinated overnight ,fry in butter and serve. 

This recipe is in dedication to a friend of my sisters. (Sorry no name provided)

Image - internet. (Own image was too yummy to wait for the camera)

Wednesday 14 September 2011


Here is a great recipe coming from my sister, we love spice , so this is a bit hot!!!


1/2 kg chicken strips
1 tsp salt,
1 tsp chilli pwd,
1 tsp crushed chillies,
1 tsp chilli garlic paste,
1 tsp brown sugar,
lemon juice,
1/4 tsp black pepper,
1/4 tsp lemon pepper,
1/2 tsp garlic flakes,
olive oil,
1 tsp honey,
tabasco sauce,
hot peri peri sauce,
1 Tblsp tomato puree & 
wild herb peri peri sauce.

Cook in garlic butter till done.
Fry julienned strips of 1/2 onion & 1/2 green pepper in butter. Add to the chicken when soft.
Fill tacos(Woolworth's) with shredded lettuce, chicken & spicy chips! Serve wid a smile


Thursday 8 September 2011

Chicken Pasta with fresh cream

This is my own recipe that I enjoy at least once in two weeks. I think apart from it being tasty, another reason why I simply love this dish is because it is quick and easy to make.

By the time I get home after work, the last thing on my mind is to prepare something which takes long in preparation and even longer on the stove.

So this is dedicated to all you ladies and mums out there who want a quick supper!!!


1 Packed Screw Pastas (to be boiled and ready) - please judge amount as I like extra pasta
2 to 3 Pieces of chicken fillet(cubed)
oil for cooking
1 onion
1tsp jeera seeds
4 pieces cinnamon sticks
4 sticks cloves
1 tsp ground ginger garlic mixture (found in supermarkets - I use my grans recipe)
1 to 2 tomatoes (grated)
1 full tsp turmeric powder
1 full Tbl curry powder (mixed masala)
salt to taste (rough salt)
1 250ml fresh cream


Braize your chopped onion with a little oil, jeera , cinnamon sticks and cloves till its slightly brown on moderate to high heat.
Put in your ginger garlic, turmeric and curry powder after you lower your heat to moderate. After spices begin to cook throw in your chicken with tomatoes and mix. If dry put little water and do not forget your salt ladies.
Now all we have to wait for is the chicken to get cooked which only takes a few minutes. Once done throw in your fresh cream. Let simmer on low for 5 to 7 minutes then throw the mixture in your pasta pot.
Mix well and serve immediately.

It really is a treat. Sorry again no photo, as I said , I ate it immediately!!!!

Tuesday 6 September 2011


Cinnamon is one of the most gorgeous spices. It always reminded me of those fiery fireball candy's we buy. By the time we get to enjoy the heat of the candy, the cinnamon gets dissolved and all thats left is the bubblegum inside.

Whenever there isnt anything chewy in the house, I grab a bark of this hot spice and nibble onto it.
It is devine!!! Hot with lots of flavor at the same time.

There are many indian dishes that could not do without this spice. It brings out the entire dish. Tonight I will be making my famous Chicken Pasta with fresh cream. Its an indian dish before I carry on. I will post the recipe tomorrow, hopefully. One of the ingredients is definately cinnamon, cannot do without it. For now here
is a lovely recipe to try out.


250g butter
8 tblsp sugar
2 eggs
2 tblsp coconut
2.5 cups flour
2 tsp baking powder
Pinch salt
2 tsp cinnamon
2 tsp mixed spice
Mix together butter and sugar. Add eggs and mix well. Add coconut and dry ingredients. Add flour little at a time until you have a soft dough. Makeinto balls and place on baking tray and press down with fork. Bake in 180 degree oven. When cool  sandwich two together with jam and roll in castor sugar.
SORRY, PHOTO NOT AVAILABLE!!! This recipe comes from my sisters long list of goodies. Hope you enjoy as much as we do.

Monday 5 September 2011


This trifle initially was my husbands idea, he gave me the entire recipe.
But as I always say , "the hand that makes it, makes the entire recipe come together"
Well , either way that didn't stop him from spreading the word around , so being the sweet little girl that I am , I am dedicating this recipe in my husbands name. Afterall, he did love it the most!!!

Jelly (already set and preferrably strawberry flavour)
Sponge cake ( already made, in my case - bought!)
Canned Sliced Peaches
Small Tin cream
Chocolate to decorate

I did not mention the quantity because I usually judge by the tray that I am placing the trifle in.

Place sliced sponge cake at base.  Slice banana and to hearts content place above the cake. Then comes the peaches(as much as you like), drizzle the juice over. Sprinkle the set jelly over as another layer, cut into pieces as you wish. Then dollop the custard over ( I have my favourite box custard, but homemade is also great, make sure its quite chilled.) . Carefully layer the whipped cream to cover the custard colour. Then as much as you like grate chocolate.

It is really delicious after a long day at work.